Vidyah section

Welcome to the video section of the site, below are Categorys, they are filled with stuff and that :D

Mists of Pandaria


MoP Launch Night...

MoP Launch Night...

this was the launch night for Mists, crazy, and not working as expected lol...

Pokem... pet battle syste...

Pokem... pet battle system early...

lol fun times, and i know what ill be listening to whilst i level it :X

Pala Duel tactics

Pala Duel tactics

Im so pro /scarcasm

Monk spinning crane kick

Monk spinning crane kick

Lol slightly OP or what...

Coolest yet most impracti...

Coolest yet most impracticable h...

Couldnt see shit lol.. Saved for prosperity

Pwning the King of Stormw...

Pwning the King of Stormwind

BOOM! Headshot, Lolz

Guile Theme in pandaria

Guile Theme in pandaria

cant explain what ive spent my time doing this time....